Nine Things You Can Do If You Are In An Abusive Relationship

    1. First, make sure you and any children are physically safe.
      • If you are in immediate danger, call 911.
      • Make a safety plan. If your partner has ever been violent, the violence could happen again at any time. You will need a safety plan so you can get to a safe place quickly if necessary. Please refer to the safety plan suggestions listed our website or contact Bow Valley Victim Services for assistance.
    2. Know that you are not responsible for the abuse. The abuse is the responsibility of the person who is abusive.
    3. Understand that the abuse and violence will likely continue without intervention.
    4. Tell someone you trust about the abuse. Secrecy gives abuse more power. Do not give up.
    5. Find out more about abuse in relationships. You are not alone. Other women have had this
      experience and were eventually able to create new and healthy lives for themselves. Once
      you start looking for sources of help, you will meet people who understand your situation.
    6. Find out what help is available in or near your community. Contact Bow Valley Victim
      Services for more information.
    7. Get professional help from a qualified counselor.
    8. Care for yourself. Anything you do to uplift your body, emotions, mind or spirit will help you to get through this difficult situation and create the life you want for yourself.
    9. Spend time with healthy people. Even if they cannot help you directly, being with healthy
      people will remind you that most people have kind and rewarding relationships. You can too.
Adapted from:
Alberta Children and Youth Services Website – Healthy Relationships Information Sheet

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