Staying Safe

If you are in an abusive relationship, there are several things you should do.

  • Talk to someone you trust like a friend, family member, doctor or other
  • Create a safety plan (see below) so you know what to do if you need to leave an
    abusive situation. The plan should include who to call, where to go, how to get
    there and what to bring with you. You should also have a back-up plan in case
    things do not go the way you expect
  • Learn about the laws that protect people from family violence. Emergency
    protection orders, restraining orders and peace bonds are some of the legal ways
    to stop an abuser from contacting someone.
  • Contact the Bow Valley Victim Services and the police for help.

You should NOT confront a violent person. It could be dangerous. Leave and call for

What to tell your children

If you have children, you must keep them safe at all times. To ensure their safety, you
need to talk to them about what is going on. Don’t try to pretend it’s not happening. You
may think they are unaware of what is happening, but children typically know.

  • Make sure children know that even though the adults in their home do not get
    along, the children are not to blame and the abuse is not their fault.
  • Tell your children exactly what they should do in an emergency. If something
    does happen, they need to be prepared. Don’t scare them but be clear about
    what they should do. Should they go to a friend or neighbour’s house and wait for
    you? Should they call 911? Having a plan can make a huge difference in an
    emergency situation.

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