Financial Benefits Program

On June 26, 2020 Alberta Justice and Solicitor General modified their program that provides financial assistance to victims of crime. They now offer 5 interim financial benefit programs that will be reviewed in 2022/23.

A brief summary of these programs are outlined below:

Injury Financial Benefits

You may be eligible to receive financial benefits if you were a victim of a violent crime in Alberta and you now require assistance to perform daily functions.

Completed forms should be returned via email to or mailed Victims of Crime Assistance Program, 10th Floor, 10365 97 Street, Edmonton, Alberta, T5J 3W7. The criteria of who may apply is listed below:

  • you were the victim an eligible offences listed in the Victims of Crime and Public Safety Regulation (Schedule 1 – attached below).
  • the crime happened in Alberta (you don’t need to live here to be eligible)
  • you reported the crime to police within a reasonable period of time
  • your injuries require you to need assistance performing daily functions
  • you co-operated with the investigation into the crime
  • your application is received within 2 years of the date of the crime – in special circumstances this may be extended
  • your criminal record and any action on your part that may have contributed to your injuries are also considered.

Form can be accessed at and is also attached below. And for help completing this form please contact Bow Valley Victim Services.


Emergency Crime Victims Assistance Program

You may be eligible to receive emergency financial assistance if you were a victim of a violent crime in Alberta. This program will support victims with short-term financial assistance related to safety and security needs. This assistance can be for related costs for loss or damages; safety related travel in order to reduce the impact of crime; enhance safety; and for practical needs arising from the crime that occurred.

Completed forms should be email to and can also be submitted with your consent by either a police-based victim service program or the police.

The types of expenses that you can claim (up to a max of $300) include repair and replacement of locks, installations of motion sensors, prepaid calling cards (maximum $30), window/door damage, meals/groceries, replacement cost of government and/or medical documents, basic necessities, care for dependents or pets, emergency accommodation (1-3 nights, up to $600) and replacement or repair of medically required aids (max of $1000). The criteria of who may apply is listed below

  • you were the victim of a serious eligible offence
  • the crime happened in Alberta (you don’t need to live here to be eligible).
  • you reported the crime to police within a reasonable period of time
  • your application is received within 45 days of the date of the crime – in special circumstances this may be extended.

Form can be accessed at and for help completing this form please contact Bow Valley Victim Services.


Victims of Crime Counselling Program

This program provides access to immediate short-term supports to assist victims of crime in dealing with the psychological impacts they have experienced related to specified Criminal Code offences. Completed forms should be returned via email to and counselling is to be provided by a registered psychologist or social worker. Victims of serious and violent crime are eligible for counselling services up to $1000 and families of homicide victims are eligible for counselling services up to $1000/individual and $4000/family.

Form can be accessed at and for help completing this form please contact Bow Valley Victim Services. Applications must be submitted within 45 days of the offence occurring.


Court Attendance Expense Reimbursement Program

This program provides reimbursement for expenses for families of homicide and provides a support person for victims of sexual assault to attend court proceedings not covered under the Alberta Crown Prosecution Services witness expense program. Other court attendance that may be claimed under this program includes attending sentencing or providing a victim impact statement in court.

Claim forms are available below and once completed can be returned to – Types of expenses that maybe reimbursed include mileage, meals, child care, taxis, parking, etc.


Death Benefit Application

This application is for individuals who wish to apply for benefits after someone has died as a result of a violent crime. These financial benefits are applied to funeral costs and may be claimed by the person who paid these costs. Form can be accessed at and is also attached below. And for help completing this form please contact Bow Valley Victim Services.